Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Evicting a dead-beat renter...

The Lazy Investor
I really hate evictions.

They are work for me, and unpleasant for everyone involved.

But, sometimes, you have to do them...

This time, it is from an unhappy Lease Purchase Tenant Buyer that didn't follow through with their promises (and what I clearly explained to them to do - which is to clear their credit up).

The sad part is that they have been in the house for over a year and have paid their rent on time every month. They've been quietly living there, with no issues at all.

In fact, until yesterday, I had never even seen the house! Yes, I bought it and put the folks in there the LAZY way! And, there hasn't been any reason to go there - until now...

They didn't pay their rent this month and only called me last week to tell me they were moving out. I did ask them for a follow-up letter and they did send it to me, so there is no issue with that!

Now, though, they are still in the house - after telling me they would be out last Friday. So, I had to go to the court and file another complaint (and pay another $42) and this morning I should get a call from the court to proceed with the eviction. I'm no expert on this part - yet. I did it once before, but with a process service. This time, I couldn't find them (out of business, I guess). I did find another service that helped with the first step, but I need to learn this myself, too. Of course, the next time I need an eviction done, I'm calling a service again!

So, these folks are almost moved out. I got a call that the house was left open yesterday, so I went to go secure it.

WHAT A PIG STYE! The place was a total mess - dog hair everywhere, filth like I've never seen! INCHES of dirt all over the place! Clothes piled up here/there and a few pieces of junk furniture scattered in a couple rooms. Sure looks like they left!

We thought they intentionally left it like that - a 'get back' at us or something...

But, then, we saw stuff in the garage. Looked like stuff they might want - tools and such...

And, while we were securing the place, they came back to get more of the junk! So, we know it wasn't an intentional dirtying of the place - that's how they were living!

WOW! Hey, if you don't believe me, come to the next Boot Camp - I'm going to show the video of this place - you won't believe it!

So, that's the 'news that's fit to print' for now.

A bit later, I expect a call from the constable's office and I'll fill you in on that as it comes along....

Happy Investing!

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