Saturday, October 16, 2004

The Lazy Investor - an update

The Lazy Investor
Still no calls from the constable's office..... Guess I should ask for my $45 back???

Well, at least the tenants are gone. They even left the property in 'broom clean' condition. After what we saw a couple days before - I thought for sure it would take a week to clean it, but they got it done quickly.

Of course, the place still needs a good cleaning. It looks like they didn't ever wash dishes or clean the bathroom sinks (we have pictures, but I don't think you want to see them!).

The appraiser did come though and gave me a 'thumbs up' on getting the price I wanted. So, that is something good.

I put up a sign on the garage and in the front window, and have already had a couple interested calls. Also put an ad in the paper - have yet to see anything from that.

Ok, more on deals and things later. Have a good weekend!

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